Hello there! 👋
I'm Mathieu TUDISCO, a French pragmatic FullStack Lead Developer and Teacher.
I’m currently freelancing, and open for part-time contracts.
PHP and TypeScript enthusiast, I love Open Source Softwares and contribute to them regularly.
When I’m not in front of my computer, you can find me riding my bike 🚲, hiking over the mountains 🥾, or caving under them 🦇.
If you’re a tech person, here is a summary about me:
export const mathieutu: FullstackLeadDeveloper = { pronouns: ['He', 'Him'], blogUrl: "http://mathieutu.dev", currentJob: { position: 'Freelance', availability: 'To hire, part time' }, emails: { recruting: 'jobs@mathieutu.dev', openSourceContributions: 'oss@mathieutu.dev', general: 'contact@mathieutu.dev' }, askMeAbout: [ 'web development', 'tech and science', 'mechanical enginering', 'traveling', 'hiking', 'bicycling', 'mountain', 'caving', 'climbing', 'cities', 'ecology', 'society', ], talkMeAbout: '*', mainTechnologies: { frontEnd: { '+++': [/(Java|Type)Script/, 'Vue.js','React'], '++': ['HTML', 'CSS frameworks', 'TailwindCss', 'Svelte'], '+': ['vanilla CSS'] }, backEnd: { '++++': ['PHP', 'Laravel'], '+++': ['Node.js'], '++': ['Symfony'] }, other: { '+++': ['PostgreSQL', 'Docker'], '+': ['Mongo', /.*SQL$/, /.*sh/] }, }, openSourceContributions: [ 'Regular contributor of Laravel codebase', 'Hundred of Open Source projects including VueJs, Symfony, Nuxt, TailwindCss, Webpack, etc...', 'Creator and maintainer of a dozen of PHP and TS packages (~300k downloads)', ], mainCommunityContributions: [ 'Host of Laravel Paris Meetup', 'Speaker of Laravel Lyon Meetup', 'Host of VueJS Lyon Meetup', 'Host/Moderator of Laravel France Community Chat', 'School teacher about Programing, Agile projects, Laravel Php, NodeJS, ReactJS, VueJS, and Testing processes', 'Regular trainer for all kind of tech teams', ], }
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